Citizens to Protect East Lansing Access

The East Lansing City government is currently considering a proposal from Detroit’s American Community Developers to build a private 5 story building at 530 Albert Ave in the Bailey Street parking lot. This low income work force housing development would severely impact existing businesses by eliminating parking and access for the customers they rely upon. No new parking will be created to replace the parking eliminated, no new retail businesses will be incorporated to increase consumer traffic downtown and our last open urban space will be lost to cultural activities like art fairs and food and music festivals.  We believe that access to the city’s designated Art Center and home to some of East Lansing’s most tenured establishments like The Peanut Barrel and Moosejaw will be compromised. We further believe there should be robust discussion concerning this space, and we oppose the use of a retail and designated art district for low income housing at the cost of accessibility for all. Thus far, the city has failed to appropriately notify property owners and businesses in the 500 block of their plans, or seek input from East Lansing residents, choosing instead to fast track the passage and implementation of the proposal without showing due cause or any semblance of transparency. CPELA opposes granting the special permit application and approval of the ACD proposal to build in the heart of East Lansing’s downtown.